Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Kubrick's Inner Truth

I already heard about the moon landings being faked but I didn't know the Apollo 11 footage was shot by my favorite director, Stanley Kubrick. It makes sense. He was working on Space Odyssey at the same time. And it was around that time that he went from a clean-shaven suit-wearing class act to a scruffy, withdrawn Peter Jackson-type.

Everyone knows that his film The Shining deviates significantly from Stephen King's novel in a lot of odd details. There is a lot of Apollo 11 symbology in that film apparently. I studied Kubrick's career myself and know for a fact that he loved lacing symbols into his films. Some people suggest Kubrick used the King novel as a front to tell the story of how his involvement in the Apollo 11 hoax nearly destroyed his marriage, something he clearly revisits in his last film Eyes Wide Shut.

No wonder he was never allowed to work in the Hollywood studio system again. Kubrick became another warrior in the fight to open our eyes. I knew I liked him for a reason. Everyone at some point comes face-to-face with true evil and must make a choice. To pretend otherwise is delusional

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