Monday, November 19, 2012

The Failure of Jackson's upcoming Hobbit Trilogy

Why isn't Smaug in The Hobbit trailer? Simple. There is no confidence in Peter Jackson to deliver a truly successful film. It's no wonder. His track record demonstrates fiscal failure.

The truth is New Line did not want Jackson ever to make another Tolkien film and rightly so. He seriously botched the budget on the LOTR trilogy so that despite the huge returns the actual profit was marginalized, although this will never be publicly admitted. Then the bastard has the balls to SUE New Line for more money after he screwed things up to begin with. The ONLY reason he's still attached to the project is thanks to his own cronie-ism at MGM.

They're once again counting on Tolkien fans to convince the studios they will recoup their extraordinary investment. But THIS TIME they want a guarantee and that's why they're extending this into a trilogy. They want box office receipts for the first films to legitimize an investment in following through with the finale. They do not have the investment capital or the supporting structure of graphic artists they got for practically free the first time around to make Smaug a digital reality on the big screen. Nobody's buying the farce this time that just being associated with a Tolkien film is going to guarantee them future work.

Jackson and his cronies are so desperate, they went behind the backs of the New Zealand Screen Actor's Guild to avoid paying proper union rates. Once they were caught, they threatened to take the production to Eastern Europe so the union would recapitulate given the millions New Zealand would lose if the production was taken elsewhere. Keep burning bridges, Jackson. It all catches up eventually.

And Christopher Tolkien is an ingrate who WHORED his father's dear work just like his father knew he would do and wrote about in "The New Shadow" and "The Lost Road." So - very - sad.

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